Preparing for Death: Workshop on Contemplating and Communicating Your Spiritual End of Life Wishes

Sun., January 28, 2024
11:00 am - 1:00 pm

We have a choice to prepare ourselves to face the most uncomfortable moment of our lives, or to meet that moment unprepared. If we choose to look into the face of death directly, then we can be certain of transforming that meeting into a profound experience that will bring untold benefit to our spiritual journey.
Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche, in Mind Beyond Death


So, are you prepared for this journey from life to death?
Like any journey, it helps to plan what we need to bring with us and to travel as lightly as possible. That way, we can relax without regrets on our trip, and as Rinpoche says, “bring untold benefit to our spiritual journey.”

Contemplating and communicating our wishes will help us prepare for this all important spiritual journey. Doing so is also a gift of generosity and compassion for ourselves and those entrusted with caring for us at that precious time. It is truly a bodhisattva action. With this in mind, the Nalandabodhi Suggested Guidelines for Contemplating Your End of Life Spiritual Wishes were created to help you identify and communicate your end of life wishes (a copy of the guidelines will be emailed to all workshop participants in advance).

Nalandabodhi Akasha invites you to join Karunikas Beth Patterson and Susan Busby for a two-hour online workshop to review and contemplate the Guidelines and your spiritual end of life wishes. The workshop will include time for personal reflection, sharing your reflections in small groups, discussion with the whole group and a Q&A. The workshop will also include a short announcement about Nalandabodhi’s new Noble Heart Circle program to provide a wisdom legacy for the next generation.

This program is open to Nalandabodhi members only.

When: Sunday, January 28, 2024, 11:00am Pacific Time / 2:00pm Eastern Time
Where: Via Zoom (link to be provided).

There is no registration fee, but offerings to the One Heart Mandala Fund are gratefully accepted.

Registration closes on January 18, 2024

Date/Time Date(s) - Sun., January 28, 2024
11:00 am - 1:00 pm

Map Unavailable



Registration is closed for this event.